Advantage & Disadvantage Essays
Is it good for children to start using computers from an early age and spend long hours on them? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
Write at least 250 words.
Now a days computers have become an essential part of our daily life. Many young children are using computers for a long time. This essay will discuss the positive and negative use of computers at an early age for a long period of time.
Today, technology is everywhere and we cannot separate ourselves from it. The personal computer is one of those technologies which has made our life easier, faster and more comfortable than before. Even though we did not know anything about computer when we were young, our children are becoming familiar with this new invention of technology from a very young age. As a result, it has become easier for them to work with computer when they grow up. Therefore, they can do well in education and professional life as they have prior experience with computer related works. So in short, we can say that, the early use of computers has given our children a kick start to start their career.
On the contrary, the overuse of computers can bring disaster to our children. It may harm their eyesight, can damage creative power, they may get addicted to computer games which in turn can affect their health. Some children are reported to become unsocial because of computers. Now a days social networking is also a huge concern for children as it is difficult to observe who is our children communicating with.
To summarize, we can say that the early introduction of computers in our children's life has both advantages and disadvantages.